Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 3:38 pm
The rules are going to be pretty basic.
1) No doxxing. Anyone doxxing will earn an immediate and permanent ban. (Doxxing is revealing someone's private information.) If you have revealed your own information then it's not doxxing when someone else mentions it.
2) Don't do anything illegal like trying to hack the board, DDOS attacks, etc etc
3) No spamming the board. This includes but is not limited to, repeated unwanted PMs, advertising posts.
4) Don't copy/paste entire web articles including pictures and ad links. Edit the extra stuff out before hitting the submit button. Repeat offenders will be put on the moderation queue where your posts will have to be approved by admin or mods. Continued offenses will land you in Hangout Hub Jail where you will only be allowed to post while in timeout.
5) Don't be a candy assed shit monkey.
1) No doxxing. Anyone doxxing will earn an immediate and permanent ban. (Doxxing is revealing someone's private information.) If you have revealed your own information then it's not doxxing when someone else mentions it.
2) Don't do anything illegal like trying to hack the board, DDOS attacks, etc etc
3) No spamming the board. This includes but is not limited to, repeated unwanted PMs, advertising posts.
4) Don't copy/paste entire web articles including pictures and ad links. Edit the extra stuff out before hitting the submit button. Repeat offenders will be put on the moderation queue where your posts will have to be approved by admin or mods. Continued offenses will land you in Hangout Hub Jail where you will only be allowed to post while in timeout.
5) Don't be a candy assed shit monkey.